By Ean McDonald - March 25th, 2021
Howdy Folks!
So on March 23rd, we held a second Zoom presentation, this time on the subject of spreadsheet skills. The first presentation was on Linux, particularly Mint (Cinnamon). In this spreadsheet talk, we covered things from the basic cell ranging up to referencing information from cells on other sheets.
You can check this Spreadsheet Presentation out here, and below I'll list more specific time codes for different subjects to help with navigation.
You can also get a copy of the document I was working in (and either copy a version for yourself in Google Sheets, or you can download a version).
0 - Introduction - Including some of the specific tools across the top of the page
1 - Preview of one of our spreadsheets - I now see that I missed a few things in the intro that I had planned
2 - Manipulating and moving rows and columns
3 - Pattern replication - Spreadsheets can recognize some patterns in multiple selected cells, and continue that pattern instead of manually typing everything in.
4 - Freezing Cells and Columns - You can freeze some portions of the page in place so that when you scroll, they stay in view.
5 - Formatting - Alignment, cell borders, cell fill and text colours and one of Ean's favourites... Conditional Formatting
6 - Formulas - Crunching the numbers
7 - Budgets and Expenses - Putting together some of what we've learned into a sheet that will figure out total shared expenses
8 - Deep Dive into our CFSY work order sheet - a closer look at how our work order sheet is constructed, including drop down lists in cells
9 - Referencing information from other tabs - allows more organization and compacting of data. Also allows for autofilling of specific cells. This is where it gets quite a bit more complicated, but the nice thing is that once it's set up, it saves a lot of potential manual data manipulation. For our receipt page, we just change the work order number and the spreadsheet will fill in all the other specific information that is needed.