If you don’t have Zoom installed on your computer, we have steps to help you here.

Zoom is a program where we can help you on your computer from our office instead of you having to visit our shop and lug your computer along. As long as you have internet, we’ll be able to connect in a Zoom meeting, and it’s possible to share a view of your screen with us. If you don’t have a camera or microphone, we can talk on the phone while helping on your computer.

You don’t even have to have an account with Zoom. Just make sure the application is open on your computer, then you can click on Join a Meeting and we’ll give you the information to type in, or we can email you a direct link to join.

First Time Use

The first time you join a meeting with a direct link, it may ask you to choose an application to use. In this step you’ll want to select the checkbox by Always allow https://us06web.zoom.us to open zoommtg links. Then click on Choose Application.


In this window, make sure that Zoom Meetings is selected, then click the checkbox beside Always use this application to open zoommtg links, and finally click Open Link.


Joining a Meeting Manually

You can either join a meeting by clicking on a direct link that we can email to you, or by clicking on the Join a Meeting button on the main screen of Zoom. If you have a Zoom account already, you can Sign In, but you don’t have to have an account to meet with us over Zoom.


When you choose to Join a Meeting manually rather than getting a direct link emailed from us, you’ll see this screen where you can type in the Meeting ID that we can tell you, you can type in your name (here I’ve entered CFSY), and if you want you can check any boxes according to your preferences, and this can be changed inside the meeting, so it’s not permanent.


You’ll then be asked to enter the meeting passcode which we can provide, then you can click Join Meeting at the bottom.


Entering the Meeting

Once you’ve gone through the steps in joining via direct link, or by entering the Meeting ID and the passcode, you’ll see this window where you have to select Join with Computer Audio to continue. If we’re on the phone with you, we won’t be using computer audio, but you still have to click that button. If you want to skip this step in the future, you can select the checkbox at the bottom saying to Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting, then Join with Computer Audio.


Inside the meeting, you may see someone’s picture, or a video of one of us staff members at Computers for Schools Yukon. At the bottom of this main screen (it disappears if you’re not moving your mouse, so move your mouse) you have a main menu. From the left to the right: